6 Hacks To Deal With Tough Times

Some life situations can seem like a lock-up. We get jammed in our own thoughts and find no way out. That's when we need to use a few hacks to tackle that chaos. 

Life is unpredictable. No matter how many plans we make, there is always an element of surprise, difficulties, and unexpected twists. Not a single human has escaped the uncertainty of life. In fact, it is this suspense that makes our life adventurous and full of mystery. If we know what is going to happen next, we would have no zing left. With the unpredictable nature of life, comes the fear and anxiety of dealing with it. Tough situations not just make us strong but also give us the learnings that enrich our lives. Coping with tough situations can be daunting but we all are equipped with the capability for it. Let me mention a few hacks that can help you handle those times that make you numb.

1. Be ready to accept the situation: Generally when we are in a tough situation, our reflex is to deny the happening. Being in denial makes it tougher for people to find solutions in difficult situations. However, the longer you try to avoid the problem, the longer it will take to address it. No matter how you feel about a certain situation, it’s important to acknowledge that it exists and that we have to face it irrespective of our apprehension. “This is a reality, I’m in it and I’m going to resolve this with an open mind and a positive attitude.” If you can say this and follow it, you are halfway through. There is not a single person in this world who has a challenging life but not all can face it with a smile. The ones who accept the realities of life make their life easier. 

 2. Think about what’s next: You cannot find solutions if you are stuck in the problem for a long. Instead of becoming a part of the solution, some keep lingering as a part of the problem. You need to be solution-oriented and look for a further plan of action in order to resolve the situation. It’s not necessary that you will find a way immediately to fix the issue, but you can develop a simple plan to cope with it. For example, find out who can be helpful resources, who can be the people wanting to participate with you in the process of resolution, or who can provide help. Also, jot down possibilities and ways to sustain in the situation till things get easier to handle. Only when you are in trouble you will know your real list of reliable people. When difficult times arrive, the majority of people we consider our inner circle either keep distance or disown us and the problem. It is only at such times we know who are the actual inner circle people in our life. Don’t live in a fool’s paradise. Plan your way ahead with the ones who are wanting to be around you irrespective of what happens in your life. 

3. Ask for Help if required: Many people feel that if they ask for help, they will be termed weak. For a few, it becomes a matter of ego or self-respect to ask for any help. Be wise and think rationally. Even strong people need support. And there is no reason to feel shy or low in asking for assistance or help from people. We all witness tough times in life. You should be helpful to people in need and similarly, if you are dealing with tough times, don’t have any apprehension in seeking help. Do not expect others to know that you need help. Speak up for yourself. Be vocal and tell people how they can help you. That will make things easier for you and your near-dear ones who would be wanting to pitch in support in your difficult times. 

 4. Make Necessary Changes: There are some things in our control and some are beyond our capacity to manage. For example, if you don’t get selected in a job interview, lose an election, or get fewer marks in an examination. There is nothing much you can do about it. If you can’t change the situation, you should be able to change your attitude. For example, if you’re dealing with the demise of your family member, you can’t do anything to bring them back. However, you can change the way you react and manage your current feelings. You cannot suddenly change your attitude overnight, but you can change it over time. It is a process and you need to be patient and willing to invest your mind and energy into changing your perspectives and reactions for a better life. Just recognizing the fact that you can use attitude management can go a long way in creating meaningful change in your life. There is no point in wasting time and energy trying to change things you can’t change. You can’t change others and you can’t change what has already happened in the past. Sulking on the past does not rectify your future. it’s important to identify the things that cannot be changed in order to get clarity and work practically toward our life goals. 

 5. Develop Skills to handle Your Feelings and Emotions: Feelings rule our mind. Just because you acknowledge and understand that a situation is unfair, doesn’t mean it won’t hurt and make you weak. Dealing with sadness, anger, frustration, and disappointment is really hard. We all react differently, emote in our own specific ways, and feel different degrees of emotions. Develop a plan to cope with all those difficult feelings that bother you. Find strategies to deal with tough feelings, Each one has a different stress release. For some spending time with loved ones, journaling, or participating in fun activities can help. There can be people who prefer watching movies, sleeping, and taking rest to deal with complex mental pressures. We need to figure out what is best for us. 

 6. Focus on Positivity, Gains, and Future: All that happens for good is what is learned at the end of every situation. Focus on what you might gain for having survived a tough situation. You do not need to think of the losses and the pain but you need to congratulate yourself for sustaining difficult times and enumerate your learnings and experiences which are the most important achievements from difficult situations. whenever we have to face tough times, we become stronger than before and we add up more value to the kitty of experiences in our life. No matter what happens in life, stay strong. We as humans are designed to fight out with courage. Use your potential to the fullest. The life force inside us always supports us to survive. Plan to survive every happening around you.


Swapna Patker
Founder of Dream And Happiness - A Hub for Unlearning.

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